A Virtual Reality FPS that Boosted Go-Jek’s Brand Awareness in India

In early 2017, Go-Jek was looking to hire the best tech talent in India.

Despite being a unicorn, the Indonesian startup was a relative unknown in the Indian market. They set up stalls at developer conferences, looking to attract top quality tech talent in a competitive hiring landscape.

We built a VR game designed around Go-Jek’s Product Portfolio.

This drew crowds at developer conferences around the country – simultaneously highlighting the modern work culture at Go-Jek and informing potential hires about all of Go-Jek’s products.

Buy ammo with Go-Pay, take cover behind a Go-Car!

Finding themselves immersed in a futuristic sci-fi landscape with masked attackers rushing at them, the conference floor was filled with shrieks of joy and fear as players utilised various Go-Jek products to fight off waves of enemies.

Built for the HTC VIVE and ported to the Oculus Quest.

This success prompted Go-Jek to utillise the game at conferences across Asia. The game is also currently being ported to the Oculus Quest headset to ensure easier set up and portability.

If you have an idea for a VR/AR experience and would like some help executing your vision, do reach out.